
Crooked teeth…. more than a cosmetic flaw!

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that specializes in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of irregularities of the jaw, face and bite. An orthodontist can adjust and straighten your teeth in order to correct medical problems, make teeth easier to clean and therefore less vulnerable to cavities, or simply to make your smile more attractive.


While overbite, underbite, and crooked teeth may be unsightly, these conditions are actually more of a problem with function. Teeth that aren’t functioning properly or that are so crowded that dental hygiene is compromised are a health concern. Patients with misaligned teeth and problems with their bite can also suffer from jaw pain, headache and other ailments.


Having a strong beautiful set of teeth allows us to enjoy the simple pleasures of eating an apple, talking and laughing with friends. Cosmetic dentistry in these cases provides a two-fold benefit; straight and properly aligned teeth that are fully functional and teeth that no longer cause embarrassment or distress.


Reasons To Use Orthodontics: 


Overlapping teeth

Bite problems (including overbite)

Problems related to thumb sucking during childhood    

Normally, after completing orthodontic treatment, you will be provided with a retainer so that when you use it, it helps you keep your teeth straight and in your new positions.


Invisalign is an alternative to traditional metal braces, providing you with a series of clear plastic aligners that you wear to correct imperfections and the spacing of your teeth. Your teeth will gradually get shifted into place without the unsightly and intrusive inconvenience of traditional braces. 

Invisalign is a breakthrough in technology. They can treat many non-optimum teeth conditions without a huge change to the lifestyle you want to enjoy.

The Invisalign system uses a clear aligner so it is virtually impossible for others to notice when you have it on. The aligners are removable so care of your teeth doesn’t drastically change from your normal routine and it provides you with a better hygiene.

Many celebrities have corrected their smile using the Invisalign system, successfully ridding themselves spacing, crowding and other conditions that clear aligners can treat.

Santa Rita Dental has helped many patients achieve a perfect smile with this revolutionary advancement in teeth straightening. It is simple and easy and fully customized to you and the result you want.

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