Dental Implants

Many patients consider a bridge or dentures to replace one or multiple missing teeth. A bridge might be a quick fix for a missing tooth, but it isn’t as beneficial for your overall mouth health. Dentures are also temporary and often need to be replaced; they also come with several inconveniences.

On the other hand, dental implants emulate the natural mechanics of a tooth and root structure, meaning the implant stimulates the bone in your mouth and fuses to the bone more securely. Dental implants don’t lead to jawbone deterioration that can lead to further complications, such as periodontal disease, sinus problems, teeth shifting and more.

Risk factors:

Appearance: Implants can be customized to match an exact shade and shape, giving you an improved smile that’s indistinguishable from your natural teeth.
Function: Due to their stable design and durable materials, implants have no diet restrictions and allow you to speak normally.
Convenience: People with diabetes are at higher risk of developing infections, including gum disease.
Comfort: Dentures can slip or fit improperly in the mouth, causing discomfort. Dental implants feel as comfortable as natural teeth.
Self-esteem: You’ll gain the confidence to smile in pictures again with dental implants, as people likely won’t even be able to tell you to have them.

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